When the term ‘staff’ is used it refers to all adults involved in the organisation; volunteers, visitors, student.
Shinrai Martial Arts considers Health and Safety to be of the utmost importance. We comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 at all times.
Shinrai Martial Arts has appropriate Insurance Cover (Certificate on Display/available to view), including Employer’s Liability Insurance and Public Liability Insurance.
Staff, visitors and volunteers will take all reasonable steps to minimise Accidents to all in the organisation/setting/group and are expected to be familiar with hazards and how to report to your Shinrai Martial Arts health and safety officer.
All members of staff, volunteers, and visitors are required to co-operate to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care for themselves and others in their work, in the following ways:
All staff, volunteers, and visitors follow the Shinrai Martial Arts Health and Safety policy and is responsible for:
- Maintaining a safe environment.
- Taking reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others
- Reporting all Accident and Incident which have caused injury or damage or may do so in the future.
- Undertaking relevant health and safety training when required to do so
Any member of staff, staff, volunteers, and visitors who disregards safety instructions or recognised safe practices, will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
If a member of staff, volunteers, and visitors parent or other individual notices a Health and Safety issue which he/she is unable to put right then it must be reported immediately to the Health and Safety Representative at Shinrai Martial Arts Teasha Mitchell.
Role of the responsible person for Shinrai Martial Arts holds ultimate responsibility and liability for the safe operation of the Shinrai Martial Arts. This may be an individual or committee/subcommittee/ trustee. The registered person will ensure that:
- Shinrai Martial Arts designated Health and Safety officer is Teasha Mitchell.
- All staff/volunteers/visitors receive information on Health and Safety matters and receive training where necessary.
- The Health and Safety Policy and procedures are reviewed regularly.
- Staff, volunteers, and visitors understand and follow Health and Safety procedures.
- All Accident, Incident and dangerous occurrences and properly reported and recorded, including Child Protection Agencies and the Health and Safety Executive under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995) where appropriate.
- All reported Accidents, Incidents and dangerous occurrences are reviewed, so that preventative measure can be taken.
The Manager/Lead person is responsible for ensuring that at each session:
- Premises are clean internally and externally
- All Shinrai Martial Arts equipment is safely and securely stored.
- Chemical and cleaning materials are stored appropriately and in accordance with COSSH data sheets.
- Outside play area/s free from faeces, sharp objects etc.
- Fire checks are carried out
Any non-compliance must be reported to the landlord/owner and Shinrai Martial Arts Health and safety Officer.
Shinrai Martial Arts security procedures:
- Registers are taken at the beginning of each class
- Visitors book is used for non-student signing in and out
- Daily site checklist is carried out prior to all training sessions
- All sensei’s are DBS checked
A Risk Assessment is undertaken of activities and equipment and is completed and kept on file. The movement or large equipment must be done with due care and the relevant tools.
All furniture and equipment are kept clean, well maintained and in good repair, if any equipment is damaged or likely to cause injury should be clearly marked and its use prevented.
All cleaning materials and flammable equipment must be locked away and stored according to the manufacturing conditions.
Staff at Shinrai Martial Arts maintain high standards of personal hygiene and take all practicable steps to prevent and control the spread of infection.
- A generally clean environment is maintained at all times, i.e. toilets, hand washing facilities. Toilets are cleaned daily, and soap/anti-bacterial hand foam and hand drying facilities are always available.
- Waste is disposed of safely and all bins are kept covered.
- Staff ensure that children & YP wash their hands with alcohol free sanitizer before handling food or drink and after using the toilet.
- Cuts and abrasions (whether on children or staff) are kept covered.
- Shinrai Martial Arts will monitor infectious illnesses and observe incubation periods in line with the Health Protection Agency (HPA).
- Open wounds will be dealt with in the correct manner.
Spillages of blood, vomit, urines and faeces will be cleaned up immediately and staff will wear appropriate protective clothing.
Staff maintain high standards of personal hygiene and take practical steps to prevent and control the spread of infection.
In the interest of health and safety, Shinrai Martial Arts should not open unless 2 members of staff (paid or voluntary) are present. All people in positions of responsibility must have up to date Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) checks, and at least 1 qualified first aider must be present during sessions.
Staff ratios and levels of supervision are always appropriate to the number, activities, ages and abilities of the children and young people present, and to the risks associated with the activities being undertaken. Shinrai Martial Arts [1 adult: 8 children]. [Under 6yrs - 1 adult : 6 children]
All volunteers will receive induction training relevant to Shinrai Martial Arts on their arrival and will be supported to attend relevant training courses e.g. First Aid, Safeguarding.
- Shinrai Martial Arts has a duty to ensure that their premises are a safe place for children, parents, staff and visitors. All activities and premises have hazards, but forethought and safety procedures can minimise risk.
- New staff will undertake an induction and probation period.
- Insurance may be violated if proper care is not taken.
- Written Risk Assessments are kept of all hazardous activities and potential risks within our environment. This is recorded in the Risk Assessment File and re-assessed annually.
- Full training is provided to staff and new equipment is risk assessed prior to purchase.
- It is advised that a qualified first aider attends all off-site trips.
- All off-site trips will be appropriate to the age, gender and ability of the children and young people. Parents / carers will be informed in writing of the itinerary.
- Each young person must complete and return consent form in advance of the trip. If no consent slip is returned, then the child or young person will not be able to participate.
- Adequate insurance to cover participants and qualified instructors must be verified and Risk Assessments undertaken.
- Shinrai Martial Arts is aware that clear procedures are essential for the organisation/setting/group regrading first aid. Full training is given to staff and volunteers and incorporated into Staff/ volunteer Induction. Certificates are available to view on Shinrai Martial Arts website.
- The Manager/ Lead person is responsible for the First Aid Box and its contents are replenished on a termly basis, if not required before. Things are checked for the expiry date.
- At least one Emergency First Aider is present on site at all times.
- All staff are aware of First Aid and Accident/Incident procedures.
- Please refer to ADMINSTERING MEDICATION policy if applicable.
- Add in your procedure for checking children with existing injuries if applicable. EXISTING INJURY FORM if applicable.
- All Accident and Incidents are recorded and should include the date, time, place of Accident/Incident of injury, who was involved, description of the injury sustained, and action taken. Parents are notified of Accident/Incident injury when collecting their child and asked to sign accordingly.
- All completed Accident/Incident Forms are archived and are retained for 10 years.
- All serious Accidents/Incidents injury or death of a child or adult of Shinrai Martial Arts are notified to the Health and Safety Executive, RIDDOR (The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995).
Shinrai Martial Arts staff, volunteers, visitors and children are made aware of their role in Fire Safety and the meeting point in case of a Fire. Fire Drills are carried out termly and recorded. The Lyons Community Centre has a level of responsibility for fire safety and the maintenance of fire signage, fire extinguishers, fire alarms etc. Care should be taken that equipment and furniture does not block the fire exits and thoroughfares during sessions. Any faults should be reported. Fire Exists to be kept clear at all times. Shinrai Martial Arts Fire Safety Officer is Teasha Mitchell.
- Staff are not permitted to bring into Shinrai Martial Arts any electrical equipment from home to be used on the premises. The Landlords are responsible for Electrical Safety Checking (PAT Testing) in our premises.
- Shinrai Martial Arts constantly assesses, measures and re-assesses any cleaning materials that are used on the premises and read and follow instructions carefully and never mix cleaning materials. COSHH Regulations are met.
- Shinrai Martial Arts operates a No Smoking Policy and in accordance with such, smoking is not permitted on the premises or around the children and young people. Any adult must extinguish cigarettes before entering the premises and are requested to adhere to this policy until such time they leave the premises.
- Shinrai Martial Arts operates a No Alcohol Policy. Staff, parents, children and visitors and other individuals are not permitted to drink alcohol on the premises.
- Staff, volunteers, parents, children, visitors and other individuals must not be under the influence of alcohol in any way on arrival at the Club. If a parent appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs when collecting their children & YP, we will follow the procedures outlined in our Alcohol and Drugs Policy if applicable.
- Smoking, alcohol, drugs and other substances are banned from the site and Shinrai Martial Arts is committed to keeping the knowledge of drug and other substances abuse up to date by staff training.
Shinrai Martial Arts will ensure that as far as possible the need for Manual handling will be avoided, although if it is necessary for staff to move resources, they should follow the guidelines set out below. Any Manual handling that is required will be assessed and a Risk Assessment carried out if necessary.
Good Manual Handling techniques:
- Stop and think
- Position the feet
- Adopt a good posture
- Get a firm grip
- Keep close to the Load
- Don’t jerk
- Move the feet
- Put down and then adjust
- Shinrai Martial Arts will provide Manual Handling training if required and be aware if any staff members are suffering from weak backs or pregnancy. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended) and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 will be adhered to.