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Parents code of conduct

In line with Covid 19 Safety measures please adhere to the following; 

  • Digital forehead thermometers checks on all who enter site 
  • Ensure hand sanitiser is used at entrance and make sure all who enter use it 
  • Enforce all social distancing measures when in force 
  • Students must be booked into the lesson (or who have been cleared to return by the Covid Officer after a period of absence) 
  • Ensure all parents/carers stay on site in the car park just in case any students who become unwell and needs to be taken home. 
  • If you have any Covid related questions, please email/call Covid Officer (Teasha Mitchell) 


All Parents and Carers must: 

  • Place the safety and wellbeing of all students above the development of their techniques 
  • Positively encourage all students 
  • Treat all club members including (but not limited to) instructors, students, other parents / carers with the highest levels of respect 
  • Ensure that all students are always following the Student Code of Conduct 
  • Ensure all students arrive promptly and wearing clean and correct Club uniform 
  • Encourage and inspire all students to take pride in and value their performance and not just the results 
  • Comply with all Health and Safety regulation 
  • Take responsibility to ensure that any specific health issues with any student are understood by the Instructor before the training starts 
  • Ensure Instructor is made aware of any issue that may affect the Students ability to train 


All Parent and Carer must NOT: 


  • Be late for training 
  • Enter the training floor area once class is in session 
  • Show any disrespect toward any other instructor, volunteer, student or parent/carer 
  • Arrive to any training session under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 
  • Use bad language during any training session, no matter whether they are young or adult students. 
  • Discriminate between any member of the club or their parents/carers or Instructor/Volunteers for any reason whatsoever.  
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