In line with Covid 19 Safety measures please adhere to the following;
Club Expectations
1. Treat all members of the Club with respect and courtesy.
2. Be ambassadors for the Club: be courteous and polite to all
3. Attend all registered classes, unless ill or for another unavoidable reason, and be punctual, maintaining an attendance rate of at least 85%.
4. Respect the facilities resources provided to assist you in your training.
5. Bring your License book to every training session and be able to show it to any instructor of the club if required.
6. Switch off phones and store them out of sight in class.
7. Always have a clean Gi and your belt with you for each class
1. Bring non-students into the Dojo or allow anyone else to follow you in without an ID and without informing your instructor.
2. Drop or leave litter around the Dojo.
3. Smoke or use e-cigarettes on any part of the Dojo including immediately outside the entrances.
4. Be in possession of any bladed articles, offensive weapons or firearms.
5. Be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, legal highs or any other non-prescribed psychoactive substances, or bring any of these into Class.
6. Engage in any violent or threatening behaviour to anyone.
8. Bully, harass or discriminate against any member of the Club community.
7. Behave in a manner, within or outside club, that may bring the club into disrepute. This includes any criminal or antisocial behaviour.