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Safeguarding Policy

This policy applies to any paid member of staff, any non-paid member of staff, visitor, volunteer, student who may be concerned about the safety and protection of a child working at Shinrai Martial Arts.

Shinrai Martial Arts believes that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind and any children & young people receives the protection and support they need if they are at risk of abuse. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe.

This procedure provides clear direction to staff and volunteers at Shinrai Martial Arts if they have concerns that a child is in need of protection.

The name of the Organisation/settings Designated Officer is Teasha Mitchell and holds relevant child protection training/ safeguarding training to the appropriate level


Shinrai Martial Arts recognise that;

  • The welfare of the child is paramount, as enshrined in the Children Act 1989, 2004 and Childcare Act 2006.
  • all children & YP, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have a right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse
  • some children & YP are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues
  • working in partnership with children & YP, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare.


We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:

  • valuing them, listening to and respecting them
  • adopting safeguarding practices through procedures and a code of conduct for staff and volunteers
  • developing and implementing an effective e-safety policy and related procedures
  • providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training
  • recruiting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made
  • sharing information about safeguarding and good practice with children and young people, parents, staff and volunteers
  • sharing concerns with agencies who need to know and involving parents and children and young people appropriately.


Different types of abuse: see Factsheet for definitions and signs to look for.

Physical Abuse                                 Sexual Abuse                                                    Emotional Abuse

Neglect                                                Domestic Abuse                                              Child Trafficking

Harmful Sexual Behaviour           Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)                  Bullying and Cyberbullying

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

The Prevent Duty

In order to comply with the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015, Shinrai Martial Arts promotes the 4 British Values that are designed to keep children and young people safe and promotes their welfare. It is our duty to raise awareness, recognise and support both children and adults. This includes awareness of the expression of extremist views. There is no single way to identify an individual who is likely to be susceptible to a terrorist ideology, but at Shinrai Martial Arts we; manage risks, notice changes and patterns in behavior and if we are concerned, we act proportionately, by referring through TAS and the Channel Panel. We use the Notice (recognise), check and share method. Staff at Shinrai Martial Arts are trained to identify children and young people who may be vulnerable to radicalisation and how to build resilience. By promoting fundamental British Values and debating controversial issues in a safe environment, allows children and young people to understand how they can influence and participate in safe decision making, recognise pressures, know how to manage difficult situations and where to get help. We provide opportunities to converse with the children and young people, listen to them and this rapport and trust that is built in a safe heaven is essential in safeguarding effectively. MAKE RELEVANT TO YOUR ORGANISATION.

Ways that abuse might be brought to your attention:

  • a child or young person might make a direct disclosure about him/herself or another child
  • a child or young person might offer information that is worrying but not a direct disclosure
  • an adult might be concerned about a child or young person’s appearance or behaviour or about the behaviour of a parent/ carer towards a child or young person
  • an adult might make a disclosure about abuse that a child or young person is suffering or at risk of suffering
  • an adult might offer information about a child or a young person that is worrying but not a direct disclosure.

If abuse is suspected or disclosed:

  • Reassure the child or young people that telling someone about it was the right thing to do.
  • Tell him/her that you now have to do what you can to keep him/her (or the child who is the subject of the allegation) safe.
  • Let the child know what you are going to do next and who else needs to know about it.
  • Let the child or young person tell his or her whole story. Don’t try to investigate or quiz the child, but make sure that you are clear as to what he/she is saying.
  • Ask the child what he/she would like to happen as a result of what he/she has said, but don’t make or infer promises you can’t keep.
  • Give the child the ChildLine phone number: 0800 1111.

Logging an incident- see appendix one and Reporting Concerns about a Child form

All information about the suspected abuse or disclosure will be recorded as soon as possible after the event. The record should include:

  • Date of the disclosure or of the incident causing concern
  • Date and time at which the record was made
  • Name and date of birth of the child involved
  • A factual report of what happened. If recording a disclosure, it is essential to use the child’s own words.
  • Name, signature and job title of the person making the record

Allegations against staff:

  • Any allegation will be taken seriously and recorded in writing. Any witnesses will be asked to make a witness statement in writing confirming the time, date and details of the incident
  • The allegation must be reported to the Designated Officer (DO) formerly the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). The DO will advise if other agencies (e.g. police) should be informed, and the Shinrai Martial Arts will act upon the advice.
  • Following advice from the LADO, it may be necessary to suspend the member of staff pending full investigation of the allegation.
  • Staff under investigation will be treated sensitively, fairly and with respect.
  • A meeting will be held within 7 days between the staff member accused of abuse, The Manager/ Lead person and a …………………………
  • Facts will be recorded and kept secure. All parties concerned will receive a written account of the meeting and actions within 7 days of the date of the meeting. All parties concerned will be kept up-to-date with what is happening and given a response within 7 days of completion of investigation.


Helping a child or young person in immediate danger or in need of emergency medical attention:

  • If the child or young person is in immediate danger and is with you, remain with him/her and call the police.
  • If the child or young person is elsewhere, contact the police and explain the situation to them.
  • If he/she needs emergency medical attention, call an ambulance and, while you are waiting for it to arrive, get help from your first aider.
  • If the first aider is not available, use any first aid knowledge that you may have yourself to help the child.
  • You also need to contact your supervisor/manager or named person for child protection to let them know what is happening.

A decision will need to be made about who should inform the child or young person’s family and the local Services department, and when they should be informed. If you have involved the police and/or the health services, they should be part of this decision. Consider the welfare of the child and/or YP in your decision making as the highest priority.


Issues that will need to be considered are:

  • the child or young person’s wishes and feelings
  • the parent’s right to know (unless this would place the child or someone else in danger, or would interfere with a criminal investigation)
  • the impact of telling or not telling the parent
  • the current assessment of the risk to the child and the source of that risk
  • any risk management plans that currently exist.

Once any immediate danger or emergency medical need has been dealt with, follow the steps set out in the flowchart at the end of this document.

Use your Reporting a Concern Form to record the concern in as much detail as you can remember and how it is dealt with using the relevant sections of the form completed that should be signed at each stage of the procedure. This can be used to forward information to Hertfordshire County Council if a referral to them is needed.

The form should be signed and dated by all those involved in its completion and kept confidentially on the child’s file.

The name of the person making the notes should be written alongside each entry.

Useful contact details:

Designated Safeguarding Person/officer for your Organisation: Teasha Mitchell 0795 6286930

Local police: 111 or 999

Bedfordshire County Council Children’s Services 0300 3008585

Hertfordshire County Council Children’s Services: 0300 123 4043

NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000 or

ChildLine: 0800 1111 (textphone 0800 400 222) or

Designated Officer: - 01992 555420

  • Central Bedfordshire children’s safeguarding board 0300 3006455
  • Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board- HSCB: 01992 588757
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